There's a book out by Ann Louise Gittleman titled
"Why Am I Always So Tired?" about the effects of copper excess.
She points out that estrogen causes women to tend to accumulate
copper, even before you add sources of excess intake like copper
pipes, soy products, chocolate, copper fungicides on produce, or
the many causes of low zinc which allows more copper to enter the
body. I’d become aware over the years that copper was bad for me,
and in recent years had been successfully playing games with my
body chemistry. So here’s your introduction to what I call
“Chemistry games you can play with your body” or “The Wacky World
of the Senses”.
Take a penny, preferable pre 1990 if you can find one handy.
Rub it between your palms for at least 30 seconds, try to warm it
up a bit in the process. Now sniff your hands and the penny. Can
you smell anything? Results range through:
"No, I don't want to do it, I already know I can't
stand the smell of pennies."
"It's awful, now I have to go wash my hands."
"It smells kinda bad, or kind of dirty."
"I smell something, not bad really."
"I don't smell anything."
"Smells kind of good actually."
you will get other people to try the test, you'll find that it's
more often men who can't smell it or actually like the smell.
Most women with fibromyalgia will dislike the smell intensely.
Iron, zinc, manganese, copper and molybdenum all compete to get
into the body. Deficiencies in the other minerals will allow
copper to enter the body in larger amounts than it normally
would. So how do you know which ones you really need? This is
something that has interested me for a long time. You can
actually get a blood test for some of these things, but apart from
the serum iron, you might have to go to a pretty specialized
doctor and lab. It's worthwhile to know more about the minerals
IRON: The number one deficiency in gluten intolerance/celiac
disease, which damages the duodenum where iron is absorbed. Even
mild deficiencies which do not show up in the blood can cause
fatigue. Every cell in the body needs iron to make energy in the
mitochondria. Only when you are so low that all the cells are
deficient will anemia develop. If you have taken iron supplements
before and know they make you feel better, you probably do need
iron and should ask yourself why you are deficient. Do you have
low stomach acid so you don't absorb it? Do you have excessive
losses? Do you have gluten intolerance?
If you can get your serum iron/ferritin levels tested, you
will know whether you are short of iron. Most labs can do this
test, and it's the round-about test I used to find out why I'd had
18 months of diarrhea. If the iron is low, consider gluten
intolerance. If iron levels are high, consider genetic
hemochromatosis, which can cause dysbiosis as pathogenic bacteria
really like iron. Good intestinal bacteria use manganese instead
of iron, they are the only bacteria on earth that can live in the
sterile iron free intestines of a breastfed human baby. There are
even suggestions that iron fortified baby formulas may cause many
health problems in babies and may set them up for asthma later in
Excess iron can build up in someone who is exposed
to high levels at work, especially lathe operators. One in 7 of
the US population carries a gene which causes them to absorb 50%
more iron from their diet and inhaled iron than normal. One in
200 carries double genes for this and absorb 3X as much iron.
High iron levels damage every organ in the body, especially the
liver, pancreas, and joints. If you have a family history of
cirrhosis, primary liver cancer, or arthritis, or suffer from
fatigue, heart arrythmias, right upper abdominal pain, or chronic
joint pain esp in hands and feet, or have ever had elevated liver
enzymes, you may wish to have an iron panel done. Do not trust
the doctors to know what the test means or whether you need
treatment, most doctors were taught that hemochromatosis is rare,
so they brush off even high test results. Find one of
the support organizations online to evaluate your test results.
Treatment consists of simply drawing blood every week or two till
the stored iron is removed. Since there is no money for the
pharmaceutical companies in this disease, no one is looking for
it, so when it is finally found after a decade of increasing
symptoms it may take 6-12 months of weekly blood draws to get iron
stores down to normal. If your doctor won't do the test or you
don't want your insurance company to know the results, you can
order it yourself from:
Men in general tend to have higher levels of iron
in their bodies than women who are in their menstruating years.
In general men find the penny sniff test less offensive than women
do. My husband, who has hemochromatosis, used to carry pennies
around in his pocket when he was a kid so he could enjoy
sniffing them now and then. People don’t realize it, but they are
always doing things to try to bring their body chemistry to
normal. It’s worthwhile to pay attention to your cravings, they
do have meaning. Women with hemochromatosis usually found that
prenatal vitamins caused vomiting, probably due to the high iron
which their body didn't need. We have had people on the online
support group with babies that had liver damage at birth from high
iron levels. It is interesting that some babies with projectile
vomiting will stop if switched from an iron containing to iron
free formula. This is a lot cheaper and easier on everyone than
surgery for the condition.
ZINC: Zinc is used in 50 digestive enzymes, plus
it is required to make stomach acid. You cannot have good
digestion if you are short of zinc, but in a vicious cycle, you
can’t absorb it very well if your stomach acid is low. Zinc is
required for a good sense of taste and smell. Zinc
supplementation can enhance the ability to detect sugar by 50X.
Healthy plants are mildly sweet, and fruit at the peak of ripeness
is at it’s sweetest, so man’s eternal quest for sugar is simply a
search for nutritious foods. This has been turned against us by
food manufacturers, who peddle nutrition free sweets. Zinc is
depleted by a diet high in refined carbohydrates.
There is a fantastic tropical plant dubbed “The
Wonderberry”. If you smear one of the berries on your tongue, for
the next hour or two, sour things will taste sweet. You can get
the same effect in milder form if you dissolve a zinc gluconate
tablet on your tongue, it's a rather unpleasant experience, but if
you will endure it long enough for the thing to dissolve slowly,
you can clear your palate by licking a lemon. For about 10
minutes, sour things will taste sweet. Save some lemon or lemon
juice or vinegar to come back later and check again when the
effect has worn off. It’s a good reminder that people with good
zinc status find the world of food a very different place from
those with low zinc status. Anorexics are invariably zinc
Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormone, but zinc
is required by the liver to convert the thyroid’s output of T4 to
the more active T3. T3 is what your muscles to use to make energy
and warm you, yet doctors seldom test T3 levels. Many women who
complain of constantly feeling cold and other low thyroid symptoms
show normal thyroid tests, because their thyroid per se is fine.
Zinc is well known for it’s immune system enhancing
effects. Zinc and vitamin C are required to make new tissue and
are used up in the process. Zinc deficiency is the cause of white
flecks on the fingernails, smelly feet and BO. Growing boys are
famous for these symptoms, and many are left with stretch marks on
their low backs from that summer they grew 6 inches. Stretch
marks from pregnancy are also related to zinc deficiency.
Zinc deficiency is associated with
celiac disease, but an even more common problem is pyroluria.
Found in 10% of the normal population and 40% of alcoholics and
40% of people with psychiatric disturbances, pyroluria ties up
zinc, manganese, and vitamins B6. It makes people feel really
tense, and since stress increases the production of the abnormal
pyrroles, those who have it do not deal well at all with long term
stress! Pyroluria also leads to depression in many by interfering
in serotonin production. There is a simple urine test which you
can handle yourself, provided you can find a doctor or
chiropractor to order it.
MANGANESE: Here is a metal that FMS suffers really
need to think about. Little known, except in the world of chicken
feeds, it is needed to make strong tendons and connective tissue.
Can you touch your thumb to your wrist? (You have to bend it
over using the other hand) If so, your joints are hypermobile.
Some FMS cases are thought to be connective tissue disorders such
as Marfans or Erlos-Danlos syndrome. But the most
common connective tissue disorder of all is seldom considered:
Celiac disease. Celiac disease is a malabsorption condition
brought on by gluten intolerance. The only proven cure is a
gluten free diet. Manganese acts much like iron in metallurgy,
and though I have no proof, I would suspect it’s absorbed in the
same area as iron, the duodenum where all celiacs are most
I have gluten intolerance, but don’t seem to have
suffered much from iron deficiency. However, I had terrible
posture all my life, I simply slumped. I suspect the cause was
poor connective tissue, though a very simple exercise improved my
posture immensely long before I learned about manganese. Calcium
also seems to strengthen and stabilize joints, and zinc deficiency
(leading to low stomach acid) is a good way to run short on
calcium. Taking Calcium citrate got rid of my 15 years of back
pain and strengthened my wrists. But manganese seems to be very
good for me, something I need.
Manganese toxicity is not something you want to get
into either. Manganese miners may go mad from toxicity. A pair
of researchers have linked Mad Cow Disease to excess manganese
combined with low copper. It’s interesting that nearly all the
short British breeds of cattle have now been interbred with the
larger continental cattle, which tend to need as much as 4 times
as much copper as British breeds.
MOLYBDENUM: This is another little known
metal, important mostly to people who own sheep. Sheep
don’t require very much copper, and if fed on horse or cattle
feeds can develop copper toxicity. The treatment is to feed them
plenty of molybdenum, which then out competes with copper to enter
the body, until the excess copper is gradually excreted by normal
Molybdenum has gained more publicity since it’s
effects on aldehyde detoxification have been known. If you have
trouble around molds or perfumes, you may need to supplement
molybdenum. Oddly enough, in an AK test for formaldehyde, I found
that manganese worked as well under test conditions as molybdenum,
and the doctor testing me said some people seemed to need selenium
to deal with aldehydes. Stephen Cooter ran a little trial of Mb
after it got rid of his years of fatigue and candida symptoms.
About 2/3 of those who tried it got better, some dramatically so.
But be warned that some people will feel worse, we found this with
2 out of 3 friends who tried taking it for the first time.
Digging a bit on the Net turned up that this can happen before you
start feeling better. I tend to pay close attention to how things
make me feel, and am likely to quit something before the “worse
then better” effect is completed.
Molybdenum and B12 deficiency are involved in onion
and garlic sensitivity.
COPPER: Let’s not forget that this culprit in
excess can be a friend when needed. I would definitely recommend
you do the penny sniff test at least once a month if you begin
supplementing with these competing metals. I haven’t done it
myself, hmm… just checked, can’t smell a thing. I might need a
little tiny bit of copper, but past experience has shown that even
a couple of days of supplementation bring back the bad smell of
pennies to me. At present, I am probably very well balanced in my
copper vs competing metals.
Copper is required to make new blood vessels. Dr.
Joel Wallech, who made the tape “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”, claims
that in 1957 a quarter million turkeys died on American farms from
aneurysms. He says that in 1958 none died because they had
discovered the problem was copper deficiency. My old Rodale press
gardening book specifically mentions turkey manure as a good
source of copper for the garden. The flip side of using copper to
make new blood vessels, is creating a deficiency to stop cancer
growth. Angiogenesis is the creation of new blood vessels so that
tumors can grow. In "Copper Reduction Therapy, copper levels are
chelated down to 20% of normal, at which a person can get along
but cancer cannot spread. This is a cheap, safe and little known
new treatment for cancer.
One in 90 people carry a gene to accumulate copper
and probably are not too efficient at dumping excess copper. One
in 10,000 carries double genes for this condition, called Wilson’s
Disease (not to be confused with Wilson’s Syndrome). In Wilson’s,
the enzyme which normally carries copper out through the bile
cannot be made, these people tend to accumulate copper to the
point they develop neurological problems, and may die without
treatment. The golden eyes that romance novelist Jayne Ann Krentz
gives to many of her heroes makes me wonder if a few years down
the road our heroine will find her catch is going mad. One
symptom of Wilson’s disease is copper rings in the iris of the
I was told by someone at our local water
treatment plant that older electricians tended to continue the
practice of grounding wires to cold water pipes even after copper
pipes were introduced. He said this caused fairly rapid loss of
copper into the water supply and eventually destroyed the pipes.
I read somewhere years ago (when most electricians didn't know any
better) the claim that if you had copper pipes, someone in your
family would go mad. Conversely, if a peice of copper pipe is put
into a galvanized system, electrolysis tends to put iron in the
system, and the homeowner, noting the reddish water and bad taste,
may be told by the plumber who did the original (bad) repair that
their pipes are too old and they need their whole system
replaced. I corresponded with someone who went through this and
suspected this was a favorite scam of that plumber, but
fortunately she knew what the problem is.
Now that you have done the penny sniff test and
probably said “Pee-yuw!” and want to try all this stuff, let me
warn you of the pitfalls. I took zinc and manganese for 2 months
and stopped AK testing weak for copper. I also was able to smell
hybrid tea roses in a local garden for the first time. But if I
take only the zinc and not the manganese, I start getting a
metallic taste in my mouth that can only be stopped by taking
manganese. It all goes back and forth, and the key is balance,
balance, balance. I don't know sniff tests for all the metals,
though I have been told by a woman with Thalassemia that "The
smell of an iron skillet being scoured is the worst smell on
earth." Presumably doctors had her take vast amounts of iron
over the years trying to cure her genetic anemia before someone
got smart and looked for the cause. I know that rusty iron has a
smell to me, at least at times, not pleasant, and my iron is in
the normal range. Perhaps someone with low iron would be
attracted to the smell of iron.
That's all for now, this is a work in progress. If you know
something about trace minerals and interactions
that I have missed, please contact me at: Donna Hudson, 2005